Housing & Basic Needs


A safe and healthy home environment to support wellness and education.

Basic Needs Assistance & Crisis Response Street Outreach

Flourish supports basic needs like clothing, education-related expenses, food, furniture/housewares, medical/physical health costs, personal hygiene needs, shelter/housing, communication, transportation, and utilities support. School counselors within Boone county can help students obtain this assistance by contacting info@allyouthflourish.org. Assistance is prioritized for youth enrolled in Flourish programs.

Flourish has received funding through the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project to provide crisis response outreach services to youth and young adults, ages 16-24, experiencing street homelessness. Flourish currently covers Region 5 of the Missouri Balance of State Continuum of Care, including Boone, Callaway, Cole, Cooper, Howard, Audrain, Montgomery, Gasconade, Osage, Maries, Phelps, Pulaski, Camden, Miller, Morgan, and Moniteau counties. Community partner agencies can contact info@allyouthflourish.org for additional questions or call (573) 615-6135 to refer a youth.

Our Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project Partners:


Columbia residents living in poverty have less than a high school degree


Homeless youth who experience trauma


Students reported homeless annually by Columbia Public Schools

The Flourish Home

The Flourish Home is a place for youth and young adults ages 16-24 in need of housing—a place that supports their independent living, well-being, and educational / career goals.

Flourish provides a safe and healthy home environment, supportive relationships, and development opportunities. Program participants are also eligible to receive mentoring, emergency and basic needs assistance, and help with savings for education and career purposes.

Since opening our doors on October 22, 2020, Flourish Home has housed 33 youth for more than 4,889 bednights (last updated: March 2024). We currently have 10 bedrooms and our goal is to be able to serve more youth by adding 6 additional bedrooms in 2024.

During their stay, residents improve their school attendance and increase their GPAs, helping them to be more likely to graduate and maintain employment. Staff provide transition planning to ensure youth exit the Flourish Home into safe and stable housing with enhanced life skills. Residents also have the opportunity to participate in a rent savings account program, where money is earned and saved for housing expenses they will have once they leave the Flourish Home.


Click here to read the YHDP Program Standards.

Resources for Residents

The Flourish Home provides direct case management services to residents including:

  • Educational Support:
    • Support finishing high school
    • Trade school or higher education application assistance
  • Employment Support:
    • Transportation to and from work, school, and care appointments
    • Career exploration and job application assistance
  • Life Skills Development:
    • Positive relationships, conflict management, healthy cooking/nutrition, time management
  • Service coordination:
    • Linkage to healthcare and community partner agencies
    • Transition planning to ensure independent housing upon exit

Apply for Housing

Click below to fill out an application for the Flourish Home

Apply Here

Learn More About Crisis Response Street Outreach

Click below to learn how to obtain Crisis Response Street Outreach assistance.

Learn More