Get Involved

Here are some ways that you can be involved with the Flourish Initiative!

Basic Needs Support

How can anyone focus on education or employment if their basic needs are not being met? Donations toward our housing and basic needs fund help support Flourish programs and the youth we serve.

    • Flourish helps to support basic needs for our youth and families in emergency situations. We offer support such as, but not limited to personal hygiene supplies, clothing, education-related expenses, food, furniture/housewares, medical/physical health costs, shelter/housing, transportation, and utilities support.
    • Everyday items and necessities are also listed on our Amazon Wishlist, for anyone interested in purchasing items to help directly cover these types of basic needs expenses at the Flourish Home.
Donate to our Housing & Basic Needs fundVisit our Amazon Wishlist

Volunteer Opportunities

Not all donations are monetary and, to us, your time is extremely valuable! The range of volunteer opportunities are anywhere from mentoring residents to home maintenance to leading activities. Click on this link to view the full list of volunteer opportunities, and let us know what types of assistance you can offer!

Volunteer Sign-up

Flourish Home Support

The Flourish Home offers shelter and a safe environment for up to ten youth experiencing homelessness. Here we provide a safe and healthy home environment, supportive relationships, and development opportunities. Here are a few ways that donations to our housing and basic needs programs help to support the Flourish Home:

The Flourish Home

    • Keeping the lights on and all the utilities running
    • Ensuring that we have highly trained staff to care for our youth, 24 hours per day, every day of the year.
    • Helping to match the savings dollars our residents earn in their rent saving account as they meet goals that will foster their independence. It is our goal that by the time they are ready to move out, they will have earned and saved enough to cover their deposit and first month’s rent in a place they can call their own.
Donate to our Housing & Basic Needs fund

Scholarship Support

Flourish works to address barriers to higher education through savings and scholarship support, reducing the financial burden of higher education programs. Donations to the following programs will help support Flourish youth in the following ways:

Scholarship Fund

    • Your donations to the scholarship fund help provide scholarships that are awarded to recent local high school graduates who qualify for Flourish’s Community-based Prep Internship Program.
      • Interns who successfully complete this program by meeting the expectations of their employment with one of our community-based partners are awarded up to $2500 in scholarship dollars that may be used toward the cost of attending any post-secondary education program – be it a multi-year degree or certification program – and a limited amount of funding is also available to cover associated costs of attending like student housing and laptops, and even some basic needs like groceries, can be considered as eligible expenses on an individual basis.

$AVES Program

    • By donating to the Flourish $AVES program you are helping to support Boone County students in grades 6-12 who are facing socioeconomic barriers. Students participating in $AVES earn deposits into scholarship accounts by participating in approved activities that enhance their personal and professional growth.

Internship Programming

    • Your donations to Flourish internships help provide learning materials, interview outfits, meals, and additional funding for general program costs of Flourish’s Community-Based Prep Interns. Your contributions are appreciated as funding is currently limited for summer 2024!
Donate to our Scholarship fundDonate to our $AVES ProgramDonate to our Internship Programming

Alternate Donation Options

Flourish also accepts general donations via PayPal (Fostering Life-changing Opportunities, @allyouthflourish).

Checks may be made out to ‘Flourish’ and mailed to:
1400 Forum Blvd., Suite 7A #131, Columbia, MO, 65203

Thank you for your generosity!

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